Maui Personal Life Coach Salon WA

Connect to Tao (the fabric of life force)

Live Now in expanded consciousness, where you get in touch with love and grace within you and around you. Feel connections in and of all things come together to co-create in Tao. Experience your awareness through simple movement. Embody the essence of Zen in every action…

Zen is knowing, feeling and seeing that you are intimately one with the universe. In the oneness of the universe, your Divine femininity flowers as life force energy traveling through you.

You can combine Tea Ceremony and Meditation Art. Please inquire about group prices.


 Maui Japanese Tea Ceremony

60 minutes $30

Japanese Tea Ceremony brings mindful Gratitude and Grace into your everyday life. This mindfulness brings peace and calmness in your life. Learn to receive love all around you. Traditionally, Japanese Tea Ceremony is very conservative and highly ritualistic. Here at Salon WA, our focus is not about learning these traditions, but experiencing the essence of Tea to evoke Zen within you. Pause your busy mechanical lifestyle and come into the mindful organic Flow of Life. Experience deep relaxation and connection with Life itself.

Maui Life Coach Yin Sessions at Salon WA


Maui Zen Meditation Art60 minutes $30

Experience your wholeness through color therapy art borne from your Centerpoint. Enjoy how simple movement in meditation art brings you to your center. Center yourself in your spherical consciousness through art. Express and heal yourself through color therapy. Meditating through simple movement with color brings your awareness inwards into your body organically.  Enjoy the interaction with your senses while going deeper into yourself.  No art experience necessary.

Maui Meditation Art Life Coach

Maui Life Coach - Yin Sessions
Maui Life Coach - Yin Sessions
Maui Life Coach - Yang Sessions
Best Maui Life Coach Salon WA Maui
Best Maui Life Coach Salon WA Maui